Saturday, January 20, 2007

New Years Eve 2006

It's New Year's Eve and, in Sydney, that means booze, fireworks and booze.

First, the fireworks. These cost $3M this year. Considering what politicians usually spend my money on, this is a bonus. Here we see the firework barges being built in White Bay, just outside my unit.

And, on the day, tugs come and push them into position.

As usual, the bridge has been decorated. What is it? Well, we'll see that later.

Meanwhile, in Brandy's park, some people have had the affront to wait their for the show. My suggestion to the dog that this is, in fact, public space, was not given the consideration it deserved, in my opinion.

Then there are the cheeky monkeys that park themselves on my balcony - though bringing beer helped.





And there's the bridge decoration. A coat-hanger ('cos that's the nickname of the Sydney Harbour Bridge) and a diamond because the theme for this year is 'A Diamond Night in Emerald City'; diamond as in it's the bridge's 75th anniversary.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Xmas 2006

As everyone outside Australia knows, all Aussies go to the beach on Christmas Day, do a bit of surfing and pop another prawn on the barbie.

What the Aussies know, however, is that the only people stupid enough to go to the beach on Christmas Day are pommie backpackers. It's hot, sandy and the beers get all warm. Aussies head straight for the aircon.

This was xmas at our house...

Brandy the red-nosed sausage dog.

Big night, Santa?

While you're down there, Fido.


The dog formerly known as Predator.

A nice big spread.

Brandy eviscerates something small, fluffy and helpless.